Tennis Club News

Wesnesday, May 7, 2008


-Member #1: 'What are you doing here playing tennis on a Sunday? Shouldn't you be at church?

-Member #2: (Gesturing at the courts) 'This is my church.'

"And ne'er throughout the year to church thou go'st
Except it be to pray against thy foes."

King Henry VI, Part i
Act 1, Scene 1


Some of us had the beatific vision here on Monday morning: dense, dense fog all aglow with early morning sun, fruit trees blossoming. The club, the courts, the players, the balls, the air, all aglow. Playing tennis in the clouds. We hear that some folks are still playing indoors.


We've had a wonderful turnout for the first 2 Mix and Match afternoons.

Sue and old pal, Phil Soccorso, were here.


New Members Party

Please join us in welcoming our new members on Monday, May 19 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The club will serve wine, beer, soft drinks and gourmet nibbles.


The club is planning many events for our tennis pleasure.


To sign up for group lessons, mix&match, women's and men's leagues or to make a reservation for your free half hour lesson, please e-mail or call Johanne at: (617) 710-9465. For lessons with Rick call (617) 492-6289 or (617) 642-3448 and for lessons with Steve call (617) 929-7455.



The website has scooped the book. The 2008 book is brewing. Much of the information in this year's book is available on the website. We have updated the new Rules, the Activities, and Governors/Committees pages.

Some useful links:

Here's a link to the espn site, with pro ranking.

And a club member (let's call him Sol) suggested a link to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, R.I. The site is rich.

We still have the tournament draws (from 2001 to 2004) available on-line (including all of the results), thanks to the Java Kid. We are re-locating the links, however.



"On the court, tennis players exchange not only ground strokes but lots of information. It's a richly interactive sport, both verbally and non-verbally. If players communicate clearly, simply, and consistently, the game will proceed more quickly, and with less fuss and misunderstanding. Here are a few guidelines that can make the game more fun, friendly, and fair for all...."

We've had some requests to run Craig Lambert's piece, sampled above, on Tennis Communication. (We'd better leave this link up on the newspage permanently.)



Yearbook link will take you to the last newspage from 2007 (the animation, the Billy tribute, etc. From there you can see the whole of the Persistent Archive of last year's news.

Website Note: The time and temperature icon below is a link to a Boston weather site.

Click for Boston, Massachusetts Forecast


Website Note II: The honey-comb icon is also a link. It takes the clicker to an archive of all the past news pages so that said clicker can read the news pages for the whole year (2006). The less-than link (<) next to the honeycomb icon will take clickers to the previous issue of this year's newspage. (Skywriter is for Initiates.)


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