Tennis Club News

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


"This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air
Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself
Unto our gentle senses."

I, 6

With many thanks to our pals at the Cambridge Skating Club,

we've had carpenters,

and electricians,

and painters,

and caterers.

We hope that folks weren't incommoded by the scaffolding and bustle, but now the clubhouse is all spiffed up. The courts are sparkling and solid. CTC is ready to rock.

And rock we will: we have events, (and special events), tournaments (in-house and out-of-this-world), league matches, practices, group lessons, professional advice, snide comments, and many activities:



"A Terrible Splendor" at CTC Wednesday, May 13, at 6: 00 P.M. Marshall Jon Fisher, author of the new book, Terrible Splendor: Three Extraordinary Men, A World Poised for War, and the Greatest Tennis Match Ever Played, will join us at Cambridge Tennis Club on Wednesday, May 13. His book describes a legendary 1937 Davis Cup match played at Wimbledon by the American Don Budge and the German Baron Gottfried von Cramm, an athlete involuntarily caught up in a society controlled by the Third Reich. called the book “a transformative experience, meticulously researched and beautifully written…. A match for the ages is masterfully detailed by Fisher in a story that may well stay with you forever. The result is A Terrible Splendor, a book that ranks right up with Gordon Forbes’ A Handful of Summers and John McPhee’s Levels of The Game as one of the most memorable books about tennis — and more importantly, the human spirit — that you may ever read.”

Drinks and light refreshments will be served at 6:00 P.M., followed by a talk by Marshall. Copies of A Terrible Splendor will be available for sale and inscription by the author.

Members and guests are welcome.

Craig A. Lambert, Ph.D.



  • Junior Pizza Round Robin: Fri., May 8, 6-8:00 p.m.
  • New Members' Grand Party: Sun., May 17, 5-7:00 p.m.
  • Member-Guest Tournament: Mixed Doubles, May 17
  • Catered Adult Round Robin: Thu., May 21, 6-8:00
  • Member-Guest Tournament: Women's and Men's Doubles, May 23
  • Memorial Day Cookout: Mon., May 25, All Day
  • Parent-Child Tournament: Sun., May 31


And we have some sad news:

Addie Closson

Dear CTC members,

It is with great sadness I report that one of our members, Addie Closson, died on March 12, after a long and debilitating illness. We will miss him very much, but know that he will always have a place in our hearts and memories.

In the pictures and poems below, I have tried to capture what he meant and will forever mean to me.

With deep sorrow,
Barbara Wiget

ADDIE: More than a Beloved Tennis Friend

For our soldiers he answered their prayers,
making shields to save groins from despairs.
He loved music and boating.
In his arms gals were floating.
Re his kindness and wit none compares.

To forget his devoted dog Hattie,
that would do an injustice to Addie.
The two were as one,
just as when he was young:
tykes* in love just like Hattie and Addie.

*Definition of tyke: 1. a dog. 2. a small child: term of endearment.

“You can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” --Immanual Kant



The club directory for 2009 is not yet available. It is being compiled.

Some useful links:

Here's a link to the espn site, with pro ranking.

And a club member (let's call him Sol) suggested a link to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, R.I. The site is rich.

We still have the tournament draws (from 2001 to 2004) available on-line (including all of the results), thanks to the Java Kid. We are re-locating the links, however.



"On the court, tennis players exchange not only ground strokes but lots of information. It's a richly interactive sport, both verbally and non-verbally. If players communicate clearly, simply, and consistently, the game will proceed more quickly, and with less fuss and misunderstanding. Here are a few guidelines that can make the game more fun, friendly, and fair for all...."

We've had some requests to run Craig Lambert's piece, sampled above, on Tennis Communication. (We'd better leave this link up on the newspage permanently.)

Take a look

at what was happening at this time last year.



The Yearbook link will take you to the last newspage from 2006. From there you can see the whole of the Persistent Archive of last year's news.

Website Note: The time and temperature icon below is a link to a Boston weather site.

Click for Boston, Massachusetts Forecast

Joe DeBassio, Webmaster.

Website Note II: The honey-comb icon is also a link. It takes the clicker to an archive of all the past news pages so that said clicker can read the news pages for the whole year (2009). The less-than link (<) next to the honeycomb icon will take clickers to the previous issue of this year's newspage.


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