Tennis Club News

Saturday, June 2, 2007


"As a fair day in summer, wondrous fair."

Pericles Prince of Tyre

"There are moments frozen in the run of routine hours."

Falling Man


We had a great Memorial Day Party. Some sort of fantasy party here, weather, food, play (balls floated, then got whacked with, like, elan; nobody missed a shot). Thanks to folks who contributed handsomely to the potluck. And thanks to our helpers, especially David, Lennie, Phil, and Emmie.

Seems like we have some tangy event here every day and another every night. Don't check your calendar. Just come to the club and cavort.

Len dines at the Memorial Day banquet.

Now, who's that in the garden?

David! He's not working here this year, but he volunteered to help in the garden. Thanks, Dave. The whole club appreciates your efforts.

And old pal Deborah Ciolfi came to play on Memorial Day.

We have a dispatch from one of our favorite correspondents, Ishmael. To wit:

"1. This weather (and the current edition of the Red Sox) are why the hope-filled, newly winter-free denizens of Cambridge emerge from hibernation, shake themselves, grab their racquets and give thanks to Persephone whilst dancing about the courts.

2. I appreciate and use the website schedule of the tennis pros’ availability. Very helpful.

3. It is such a pleasure to see Sarah Jolliffe back at her (voluntary) duties."




Please take a look at the new schedule of clinics. This year the club is offering a number of clinics that we haven't had before, some with our new assistant pros.



The Parent-Child Tournament takes place today, from 12:00 to 5:00.


The Member-Guest Tournament takes place tomorrow afternoon. The sign-up sheet is on the club bulletin board.


The next Round Robin takes place this Thursday, June 7, from 6:00 p.m. to closing. The meal will be catered.



A member writes:

"(...Two weeks ago) in Wilmington, Delaware, New England women won the Addie Cup for only the second time in its 29 year history. Long-time CTC member and CTC singles and doubles champion many times, Esther Williams played both singles and doubles as a member of the winning New England team. The Addie Cup honors four-time U.S. National Champion and 1946 Wimbledon Champion Pauline Betz Addie with singles and doubles competition between four USTA sections: Eastern, Mid-Atlantic, Middle States and New England."


Way to go, Esther.



The Reading Tennis Open was started in 1991 by two hard-working, enthusiastic, and passionate players, Lorraine Salter and Kate Kaminer. Area tennis pro, Jason Ronan, co-ordinates both Singles and Doubles weekends. The Reading Tennis Open is intended to be a fun, competitive outdoor recreational tennis tournament, and provides tournament play to all levels and ages of tennis players largely from the Greater Boston area. With easily 250 participants competing in singles and/or doubles play, the tournament is hosted over two separate weekends in early June each year. The RTO is a non-profit, fundraiser for Reading’s high school tennis program, the town of Reading’s spring and summer recreational tennis program and is now going to be helping raise monies to build a brand new outdoor state-of-the-art tennis facility.
-KB Reynolds

Reading Tennis Open



In case you haven't noticed, we've added some features to the website. Check 'em out.

We have a new communiqué from the club's president, Phil Crutchfield. Please give it read.

The club book should be in your hands by now. Much of the information in the book is updated and available on the website.

Some useful links:

Here's a link to the official French Open Site.

Here's a link to the espn site, with pro ranking.

And a club member (let's call him Sol) suggested a link to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, R.I. The site is rich.

We still have the tournament draws (from 2001 to 2004) available on-line (including all of the results), thanks to the Java Kid. We are re-locating the links, however.



"On the court, tennis players exchange not only ground strokes but lots of information. It's a richly interactive sport, both verbally and non-verbally. If players communicate clearly, simply, and consistently, the game will proceed more quickly, and with less fuss and misunderstanding. Here are a few guidelines that can make the game more fun, friendly, and fair for all...."

We've had some requests to run Craig Lambert's piece, sampled above, on Tennis Communication. (We'd better leave this link up on the newspage permanently.)



Take a look

at what was happening at this time last year.



Yearbook link will take you to the last newspage from 2006. From there you can see the whole of the Persistent Archive of last year's news.

Website Note: The time and temperature icon below is a link to a Boston weather site.

Click for Boston, Massachusetts Forecast

Joe DeBassio, Webmaster.

Website Note II: The honey-comb icon is also a link. It takes the clicker to an archive of all the past news pages so that said clicker can read the news pages for the whole year (2006). The less-than link (<) next to the honeycomb icon will take clickers to the previous issue of this year's newspage. (Skywriter is for Initiates.)

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