Tennis Club News

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


"Ladies, a general welcome from his grace
Salutes ye all; this night he dedicates
To fair content and you: none here, he hopes,
In all this noble bevy, has brought with her
One care abroad; he would have all as merry
As, first, good company, good wine, good welcome,
Can make good people."

King Henry VIII
Act 1, Scene 4


New Members Party '09

Arlene and Leo came to welcome new members.

Sheila and Karl and Nick were here.

(Photos by Karl Klaussen)


The New Members Party was a jolly affair, wasn't it? We hope that you new members feel welcome and that you'll come and play. If you are looking for playing partners, we recommend pick-up doubles on Sunday morning. If you're looking for ecstasy, we recommend:

The Memorial Day Pick-up Doubles/Barbecue/Potluck Tennis Extravaganza, this Monday, all day, all free, all (excruciating) fun. Bring your racket and your appetite and play and eat and eat and play. (The CTC Glee Club/Tap Ensemble will not perform this year.)

The club will supply hot dogs, hamburgers, and various as yet unknown treats for the grill, as well as cold drinks and all the fixings for a good-time barbecue, you know, chips and Smart Food. There is a potluck part to the party. If your last name begins with the letters A-M, please bring some fruit or salad; if your last name begins with the letters N-Z, please bring some desserts. (If your last name begins with either Michelle or David, please bring the baby.)

And yes, kids are welcome. Henry?


Ennui and anomie swirl around the club, but never seem to penetrate. Ever notice?

We have lots and lots of action here:




  • First Round Robin: Thurs., May 21
  • Memorial Day Cookout: Mon., May 25, All Day
  • Parent-Child Tournament: Sun., May 31

The Round Robin will be catered. Tennis starts at 6:00.



The club directory for 2009 is not yet available. It's coming soon. This year's Events and Rules available on the website now.

Some useful links:

Here's a link to the espn site, with pro ranking.

And a club member (let's call him Sol) suggested a link to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in Newport, R.I. The site is rich.

We still have the tournament draws (from 2001 to 2004) available on-line (including all of the results), thanks to the Java Kid. We are re-locating the links, however.



"On the court, tennis players exchange not only ground strokes but lots of information. It's a richly interactive sport, both verbally and non-verbally. If players communicate clearly, simply, and consistently, the game will proceed more quickly, and with less fuss and misunderstanding. Here are a few guidelines that can make the game more fun, friendly, and fair for all...."

We've had some requests to run Craig Lambert's piece, sampled above, on Tennis Communication. (We'd better leave this link up on the newspage permanently.)

Take a look

at what was happening at this time last year.



The Yearbook link will take you to the last newspage from 2006. From there you can see the whole of the Persistent Archive of last year's news.

Website Note: The time and temperature icon below is a link to a Boston weather site.

Click for Boston, Massachusetts Forecast

Joe DeBassio, Webmaster.

Website Note II: The honey-comb icon is also a link. It takes the clicker to an archive of all the past news pages so that said clicker can read the news pages for the whole year (2009). The less-than link (<) next to the honeycomb icon will take clickers to the previous issue of this year's newspage.


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