
The club offers lessons to club members and non-members. For private or group lessons, contact one of the CTC pros directly:

Mike Findley: 617-354-0303 (manager@cambridgetennisclub.com) or Rick Rose: 617-642-3448 (pro@cambridgetennisclub.com); 

Group lessons of 3-6 players are available in 60 minute or 90 minute programs depending on interest. Group lessons are arranged by ability level and require signing up ahead of time. Lesson rates vary and can be confirmed by contacting the Pros directly. 

If you need to cancel:  Club members are required to give 24-hour cancellation notice prior to a scheduled lesson or they will be charged for the cost of the lesson. 

Tennis lessons may be offered to non-members upon payment of the appropriate guest fee (Non-prime adult $15 or Junior $10) per lesson.

There are three tennis professionals at the club:

Rick Rose

This will be Rick's 22nd season teaching at Cambridge Tennis Club. He runs adult, junior and pee wee group clinics as well as private and semi-private lessons.

Rick has headed the City of Cambridge Recreation Department Tennis League every summer for some 25 years. He got to see one of his students advance to playing #1 Singles and #1 Doubles in a Division I college this year. Rick started coaching this student at age 4 through the Cambridge Recreation League and continued coaching him as a CTC Junior member.

In the off-season Rick plays senior doubles in the Palm Beach County Grand Slam Tennis League. He and his team won the Premier Division in 2014! (See photo above.)

Rick's cellphone: 617-642-3448

Email: Rick Rose