Joining the Cambridge Tennis Club

We welcome your interest in the Cambridge Tennis Club. Here’s some information about the Club, the membership, and the membership application process.

Founded in 1954 as a non-profit private club, we rent our premises from the Cambridge Skating Club, a separate organization. Courts are available for play from late April/early May until early November, weather permitting. We have approximately 440 members and are entirely supported by fees paid by them. Contributions from Club members also underwrite a very successful Community Outreach Program for underprivileged Cambridge children.

Any Cambridge resident over the age of 21 may become a member. We have five basic categories of membership: Family, Single, Junior, Associate Family, and Associate Single. A family membership includes a domestic partner and unmarried children under the age of 26 residing in the household. A junior member must be under the age of 21, with neither parent being a Club member. Typically a family or a single person first becomes an Associate member, with most but not quite all of the rights of a full member, and paying a somewhat lower annual fee. When the number of full members drops, an appropriate number of Associate members are invited to become full members.

We have a simple membership process. A proposer and one seconder (both current Club members) write letters on your behalf. Your proposer completes an application form and submits it, accompanied by the proposing letter and seconding letter and required evidence of Cambridge residency, to the Membership Committee. If you would like to join but do not know any members personally, please inquire about the Meet & Greet Open Houses that are held twice a year. Contact Zachery Goldberg and Ellen Teunissen, Co-Chairs of the Membership Committee or Ed Channing, General Manager.

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